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West Wind WebSurge - Rest Client and Http Load Testing for Windows

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WkHtmlToPdf: Dealing with broken Url Encoded and Extended Character Links

WkHtmlToPdf is a commonly used tool to create PDF documents from HTML files or Urls. Unfortunately it's a bit cranky and one of the problems you can run into is that links that include URL encoding won't work in your output PDF. In this post I describe the problem and a hacky workaround to make broken PDF links work by hacking the HTML file prior to conversion.

HTML Table Cell Overflow Handling

HTML table column wrapping and truncating doesn't work like other HTML elements. Specifically if you want to keep table column content from wrapping via `overflow` or `white-space` wrapping settings you'll find that tables just laugh in your face. Here's a quick post that describes table wrapping and text truncation issues and the hacky workaround.

Work around localhost unsecured HTTPS access for Development Sites in Edge

In recent versions of Edge (and Chromium browsers in general) it's getting harder and harder to run development Web sites on localhost, unless you run in https. Certificate setup continues to be a pain in the ass, and it doesn't help that Edge recently decided to no longer allow bypassing of certificate errors. In this post I describe some of the localhost issues and how you can still bypass certificate validation on localhost or go the legit route and install a certificate.

West Wind WebSurge 2.0 is here

I've just released West Wind WebSurge 2.0. WebSurge is a REST Client and Load Testing tool for Windows and in this post I provide a short overview, a link to a new YouTube Getting Started video, and some background on this release

Ad Blockers, Brave Browser and BrainTree Credit Card Processing SDKs

Ran into an issue with my CC processing forms using Brave today. Brave is a Chromium based browser, but it includes built-in, on-by-default content blocking which apparently causes my order forms to not work as scripts and related page cookies aren't being loaded. Here's what happened and some thoughts on how to work around this.
West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024