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Create a .NET PlantUML Markdown Render Extension

PlantUML is a Web based diagramming markup language that can be used to create diagrams using text descriptions that are rendered into images via a PlantUML server. In this post I describe how you can integrate PlantUML image rendering into your .NET application, specifically from a Markdown rendering perspective as Markdown documents are the most common mechanism that PlantUML output is delivered.

Back to Basics: Await a Task with a Timeout

Sometimes it's useful to call async methods and be able to stop waiting after a given timeout period. Unfortunately there's no native support on Task to provide this. In this short post I show how you can simulate timeouts and provide a couple of helper methods to make the process generically available.

Work around the WebView2 NavigateToString() 2mb Size Limit

The WebView2 control's NavigateToString() method has a limit for the string size of 2mb, which can be a problem especially for HTML pages with embedded content. In this post I'll describe how this problem can show up and show a couple of ways to work around the issue.

Dealing with Platform Specific Classes and Methods in CrossPlatform .NET

If you deal with old .NET library code that is sprinkled with some Windows specific code in places you've likely run into places where the Windows specific code is throwing up unwanted compiler warnings. Sometimes that matters, but often times these warnings are annoyances as these methods are highly unlikely to get called from x-platform code. In this post I describe some annoyances, how you can work around them and eventually fix the issues without throwing everything out the window.
West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024