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How to manage Content in NuGet Packages?

In getting ready to put out version 2 of Westwind.Globalization I've been rearranging the NuGet package layout a few times and I'm considering further breaking out the package layout. In this post I describe some of the dilemmas I'm looking at in deciding how much abstraction is required in breaking the NuGet packages into easily usable and maintainable components with the least amount of friction.

Interactive ASP.NET Resource Linking and Editing with Westwind.Globalization

Resource linking for resource editing is a very useful feature when localizing application, making it easy to jump back and forth between content and the resources that need to be edited. Seeing resource content in context is vital to good application localization. Westwind.Globalization provides a simple HTML based resource linking mechanism and in this post I describe how it works, and how it's implemented in the Westwind.Globalization library.

Bitmap types, Binary Resources and Westwind.Globalization

I've been working on supporting binary resource imports via the Web interface using Westwind.Globalization and I'm debating on whether supporting the .NET convention of importing image resources as Bitmaps is prudent. Bitmaps are rather unwieldy to use and are painful to export to common stream or file formats due to the funky 30 year old encoding architecture used by GDI+. In this post I talk about some of the issues I've run into with Bitmaps and why I'm considering importing resources simple as raw byte data.

ASP.NET MVC, Localization and Westwind.Globalization for Db Resources

Recently I've been getting a number of questions related to customers having issues with running the Westwind.Globalization Database Resource provider library under ASP.NET MVC. While the original versions of this library were definitely WebForms centric since it originated in the WebForms era, the library has had full support for ASP.NET MVC for a while. In this post I'll review how localization works in ASP.NET MVC and then demonstrate how Westwind.Globalization handles the same scenarios with database resources.
West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024