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Microsoft renames ASP.NET 5 to ASP.NET Core 1.0

ASP.NET 5 has been renamed to ASP.NET Core 1.0 and in the process some major changes are happening to the framework very late in the release cycle. In this post I take a look at some of the concern I have when I see these drastic changes so late in the release cycle and some thoughts on how I've worked with ASP.NET Core so far and some of the trepidations I have moving forward.

Talking about ASP.NET 5 on .NET Rocks

Last week I got a chance to talk to Carl and Richard about my experiences with ASP.NET 5. The good, the bad and th obnoxious. Ok maybe none of the latter. Great discussion on why we need a reboot on ASP.NET and how the process of building ASP.NET has affected developers trying to keep up with the latest bits.

Upgrading ASP.NET 5 Projects between Beta Versions

Upgrading ASP.NET 5 projects from beta to beta has not been pretty. The beta 6 update has been one of the easier ones to work through, but still there's a process involved. In this post I describe the steps I tend to go through for each new beta release.

Using and Debugging External Source Code Packages in ASP.NET 5

ASP.NET 5 and the new DNX runtime make it very easy to include external source code based packages into your own projects. It super easy to pull a project - including Microsoft's core DNX runtime projects, from GitHub and then link it into your own projects. This is great for debugging and fixing an immediate problem that might be a show stopper for you, or makes it very easy to contribute back to an open source library. In this post I'll describe a debug scenario I ran into in my last post involving a bug in the DNX runtimes, and show how to download and link the library from Microsoft's GitHub repository, fix the bug and integrate the code into my own project.

Strongly typed AppSettings Configuration in ASP.NET 5

ASP.NET 5 features a new configuration system that includes a number of new configuration sources as well as an easy way to consume strongly typed resources. In this post I demonstrate how to use the basic features and show how you can use different configuration stores to hold configuration data.
West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024