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WebLog Posts in Category Microsoft AJAX

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WCF and JSON Services

I took a quick look today at WCF's new capability to work with JSON data. I was looking forward to having WCF services providing this functionality and there are a few cool things that work with it. It's now essentially possible to create WCF Web Services that take JSON as input and produce...

Missing PageMethods on an MS AJAX Page?

You ever have one of those days when just nothing wants to go right? A couple of days ago I was working on my session code for ASP.NET Connections. One of my sessions is on Dealing with Long Running Requests and one of the examples uses AJAX to offload the processing to messaging engine and...

MS AJAX Samples updated for 1.0 Release Version

I've updated my MS AJAX samples both on the live site and for the download.

An update to the ClientScriptProxy Class for ScriptManager/ClientScript

Here's an update to the ClientScriptProxy class I posted a month ago for the release version of MS Ajax. The class acts as a front end proxy object to the ScriptManager and Page.ClientScript detecting whether MS Ajax is registered or not and making the appropriate calls to the right object.

Update for the free wwHoverPanel AJAX Control posted

I've posted another update to the free wwHoverPanel AJAX control that provides some useful new functionality and compatibility with MS Ajax.

DataTable/Set/Row support is back in MS Ajax RC

Here are a couple of simple examples of how you can pass data between the server and client and back with MS Ajax using Web Services.

ScriptManager and Resource Compression

The MS Ajax ScriptManager can automatically compress script files when using RegisterClientScriptResource. Unfortunately it only works when a script manager instance sits on a form even though the ScriptManager method is static.

wwHoverPanel Update to co-exist with MS AJAX

I’ve posted a small update to the wwHoverPanel control today that fixes a couple of small problems if used in combination with MS Ajax beta.
West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024