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MS AJAX Samples updated for 1.0 Release Version

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As you’ve probably MS AJAX 1.0 has shipped yesterday. Yay, finally. You can now use this stuff in your applications for real without worrying about constant changes at least for the RTM release.


I’ve once again updated my samples that I’ve previously posted on the site. The samples are pretty basic and not very flashy, but I think they hit a good cross section of the core AJAX features and they can be explored online.

Anyway you can check out the demos here:



and the source code can be downloaded from:




Hopefully this will be it for a while <s>…


There are a few changes and cleanups. The chat sample has been made more stable by checking for runaway timer requests and by doing a better job releasing object references. The stock sample has a few fixes with the background timers that update the stock market open/close display and the progress demo has been updated with few extra messages and smoother operation. I've also spent some time cleaning up the code and adding additional comments - the constant re-adjusting for CTP/Beta versions had left its toll on the code originally.


Posted in Microsoft AJAX  

The Voices of Reason


January 24, 2007

# re: MS AJAX Samples updated for 1.0 Release Version

Rick, thanks for these nice samples.
Note, that the link for getting the sources is broken...

Rick Strahl
January 24, 2007

# re: MS AJAX Samples updated for 1.0 Release Version

Aaargh... I guess I shouldn't be putting up things like this at 2:30 in the morning <g>. Fixed.

# A Continuous Learner's Weblog: Links (1/24/2007)

# ASP.NET Forums - Chat Style app using AJAX

ASP.NET Forums
June 04, 2007

# Chat Style app using AJAX - ASP.NET Forums

West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024