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Escaping Markdown Code Snippets and Inline Code as Markdown

If you write Markdown for code related documentation it's not uncommon that you need to create code snippets or inline-code blocks that contain the Markdown code block delimiters namely the back tick. If you need to embed a Markdown code block as documentation in another code block or if an inline code block simply contains a ` you run into rendering problems. In this code I tackle escaping Markdown code for nested code blocks and escaping the pesky back tip character.

Updating Westwind.AspnetCore.Markdown with Markdown from Files and URLs

In the last week I've had a need to add some additional features to my Westwind.AspnetCore.Markdown library that provide easier access to Markdown from files and urls as well as the ability to replace the default Markdown parser in the library. In this post I'll discuss some of the feature additions including some implementation notes.

Creating an HTML Packager

Recently I needed to add the ability to save HTML documents in Markdown Monster. Saving raw rendered Markdown is not really sufficient and so I set out to create an HTML packager that can package an HTML Web endpoint into a self-contained local package either as a single self-contained file, or an HTML document with all dependencies localized. In this post I discuss why this is needed and how to implement and use this library to capture HTML output in a few different ways.

Markdown and Cross Site Scripting

I've been getting a number of requests for providing XSS support in my various Markdown components. While Markdown itself makes no provision for HTML Sanitation, if you use Markdown for capturing user input some sort of sanitation is required to avoid potential XSS attacks. In this post I look at XSS scenarios and show how the `Westwind.AspnetCore.Markdown` package deals with removing script tags from rendered Markdown content.

Creating a generic Markdown Page Handler using ASP.NET Core Middleware

I've been talking about Markdown a lot in recent blog posts and this time I'll cover a generic Markdown page handler that you just drop into any site to handle semi-static page editing more easily with Markdown from within an ASP.NET Core application. While Markdown is common fare in CMS or blog applications, it's not so apparent how to get similar generic Markdown document rendering within the context of an existing application. The middleware I describe here allows you to simply drop a markdown file into a configured folder and have it rendered into a stock template. Simple but very useful.

Creating an ASP.NET Core Markdown TagHelper and Parser

A couple of months ago I wrote about creating a WebForms based Markdown control. This time around I'll build an ASP.NET Core MVC TagHelper that performs similar functionality for embedding Markdown text into a content area of a Razor page. The component also includes easy access to a Markdown parser using the blazing fast MarkDig Markdown parser.

Using Gists for General Purpose Web Pages with Markdown

Most of you probably know and use Github Gists for sharing Code snippets. But did you know that Gists also support Markdown? Using Markdown makes it easy to create much richer code shareable code and even allows for an easy way to create self-contained Web content.

Creating a Markdown Monster Addin: Save Images to Azure Blob Storage

The Markdown Monster Markdown Editor and Weblog Publishing tool has a .NET based addin model that makes it relatively easy to extend its core feature set with custom functionality. In this post I show how you can quickly create an addin of your own, and then show a practical example that demonstrates how add Image uploading to Azure Blob storage as an interactive addin.

Introducing Markdown Monster - a new Markdown Editor

I'm happy to announce Version 1.0 of Markdown Monster a Markdown Editor and Weblog Publishing tool for Windows. In this post I give a quick tour of Markdown Monster and provide links to all you need to know to check out this great new Markdown editor.
West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2025