Last week I got a chance to talk to Carl and Richard about my experiences with ASP.NET 5. The good, the bad and the obnoxious. Ok maybe none of the latter. We had a great discussion on why we need a reboot on ASP.NET and how the process of building ASP.NET has affected developers trying to keep up with the 'beta' releases.
ASP.NET 5 is a major reboot of ASP.NET and there are a ton of great features that drive the platform forward. Some of my favorite features are the unified model for MVC and API, the middle pipeline for extensibility, Tag Helpers, and the ability to actually run code and develop DNX on other platforms. But, as cool as ASP.NET 5's new features are there are also a lot of pain points at this point in the development cycle of the product. This is not a minor upgrade, but rather a shift in a way similar that the original ASP.NET was from classic ASP. There are many familiar concepts but a lot of the cheese has completely moved. In this show we talked about the things that make ASP.NET 5 great and necessary but also some of the issues that have made working with it at this point an adventure in configuration tweaking.
As a side note Carl and Richard make these shows so easy to do. In fact when we got to the end all I could think was "Where did the time go?" Felt like we could have gone on for another hour (well I did anyway :-))
You can check it out here:
Developing using ASP.NET vNext with Rick Strahl
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