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Mysteriously stubborn IIS 401.2 Errors

I ran into a nasty IIS issue yesterday that took me the better part of a day to get myself out of. It involved particularily stubborn Authentication requests from ASP.NET applications when there shouldn't have been any. It turns out the culprit was some corrupted config files - here's the why and how.

IIS SSL Certificate Renewal Pain

IIS SSL Certificate renewals always seem to be a pain. Rarely does it just go right and I never seem to remember whether I should renew, or just issue a new cert. The answer is the latter, but this post discusses some of the issues and how to avoid them when renewing or installing new SSL certificates.

Caveats with the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests in IIS 7/8

IIS 7 and 8 support using Managed Modules to handle access to all IIS request content which is very powerful. But sometimes you actually want to not handle non-ASP.NET content and it's not very obvious how to minimize access to non-ASP.NET requests in managed modules.

A tiny Utility to recycle an IIS Application Pool

Here's a small console app to recycle an Application Pool which seems to be something I've needed to do repeatedly in the past.

Built-in GZip/Deflate Compression on IIS 7.x

IIS 7.x makes content compression via GZip very easy. Here's how compression on IIS works and how you can set it up on your server in a few simple steps.

Error on 64 Bit Install of IIS – LoadLibraryEx failed on aspnet_filter.dll

Ran into a problem on my 64 bit machine with IIS trying to load 32 bit dlls. Turns out this is a misconfiguration that occurred from some additional installation that failed to set a specific bitness valuie and pointed to 32 bit install. Here's what happened and how it got fixed.

ASP.NET Routing not working on IIS 7.0

Got caught be a difference in behavior between IIS 7.0 and IIS 7.5 with how module management to extensionless URLs are fired in IIS. Routing was working fine on my dev machine, but not on my live server. Here's what you need to watch out for.
West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024