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Speaking at the Portland Area .NET User Group on Tuesday Sept 1st

I’ll be speaking at the PADNUG meeting next week in Portland at the Microsoft office. Rich Hubbins asked me to present on jQuery again as I did last year. A lot has changed in the last year and when I gave the last presentation jQuery was just starting to get some attention in the .NET world. By now many more people have been using jQuery for a while so  this talk likely will hit a different...

64 Bit Servers, ISAPI and Managed Modules on IIS

So i took a support call from a customer of mine today who ran into problems installing Web Connection on a 64 bit machine. Web Connection works through a 32 bit ISAPI extension and sure enough a standard configuration will not allow this ISAPI extension to run. Any attempt to access a 32 bit...

Apache and ScriptMaps - It's killing me!

Whenever I think I finally figured out one of the cryptic configuration settings Apache laughs at me yet again with a nice big fat "Gotcha sucka!". I've struggled through all sorts of bullshit to get scriptmapping to work with Apache. So today I'm putting the final touches on an installation...

Hosting a WCF Service in a non-.NET Client

I'm still screwing around Web Connection and trying out a quick proof of concept tonight and thought I'd share a few steps on how to host a WCF in a non .NET client via COM Interop client like Visual FoxPro. This article discusses WCF server and client creation in general terms and in addition covers the interop issues to make it work in these clients.

STA Threading Issues in ASP.NET

Recently I built an HttpHandler to replace my ISAPI interface for Web Connection, which is an application interface that provides Web connectivity to Visual FoxPro. The ISAPI extension has been working fine for many years, however with the advent of IIS 7 I figured it's time to create a more...

Apache and Script Mapping

I've been struggling with mapping scripts to a custom ISAPI handler in Apache for some  in Web Connection (which is a FoxPro based ISAPI interface). Web Connection works with Apache, but recently with version 2.2 Apache changed its module binary format and required recompilation so I ended up...

__doPostBack and the Back Button

One of my Web Connection customers (but this also applies to ASP.NET) recently posted a question regarding  a page that wasn't working correctly when using the Back button. The behavior would be something like this: Go to the page Click a link that causes a __doPostBack() to occur Click the...
West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024