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Windows Authentication with HttpClient

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Ah yes this is a nostalgic post: The other day I needed to programmatically access a very old application on one of my servers that's secured with Windows Authentication for its admin interface. Specifically I needed access to a real-time, admin process view that shows what's running on one of these old servers. This app never needed explicit authentication and back then Windows authentication was an easy way to secure the admin interface.

Oh, how the times have changed ๐Ÿ˜„

Windows Auth with HttpClient on .NET 6.0

On full .NET Framework WebClient and HttpWebRequest were built specifically for Windows, and as such had built in and front and center credential handling on the Web clients themselves. It's pretty obvious how to set up credentials and pass them with each request.

HttpClient which is the 'modern' HTTP interface for .NET, being cross-platform in a world where NTLM security and security using auto-processing of credentials is much less prevalent, doesn't make using Windows Authentication security very easy to discover. And it doesn't help that the documentation omits anything except Basic and Digest, while actually supporting Negotiate and NTLM as supported security mechanisms.

Without much ado, here's the self-contained code to run an HttpClient request against a Windows Authentication endpoint:

// NTLM Secured URL
var uri = new Uri("https://localhost:5200/wconnect/ShowStatusJson.wc");

// Create a new Credential - note NTLM is not documented but works
var credentialsCache = new CredentialCache();
credentialsCache.Add( uri, "Negotiate", new NetworkCredential("rick", "superseektrit444"));

var handler = new HttpClientHandler() { Credentials = credentialsCache, PreAuthenticate = true };
var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler) { Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10) };

var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri);

var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();


The key item here is the CredentialCache, which is an collection of NetworkCredential objects to which you can add the Windows Authentication type of Negotiate or NTLM, which oddly is not documented. NetworkCredential objects hold typical username and password based credentials like Windows Authentication, or Basic/Digest.

In addition to the NetworkCredential you need to pass a base or full URL to which the authentication is applied and an authentication type.

For the base Url you typically will want to provide a base URL like https://somesite.com/ rather than a full URL as in the example above, as the HttpClient may be shared for multiple requests to different URLs.

As far as I can tell, the supported authentication types are:

  • Basic
  • Digest
  • NTLM
  • Negotiate
  • Kerberos

Note that HttpClient -like the older WebClient and HttpWebRequest - doesn't automatically PreAuthenticate auth requests, meaning that it needs to be challenged before sending credentials, even if you provide them in the credential cache. For the client that means that every request goes to the server first without credentials, gets the 401 challenge and then re-sends with the authentication headers, which generates extra traffic. For most client applications you probably want to set PreAuthenticate = true to force HttpClient to send the auth info immediately instead of first receiving the Http 401 from the server.

This code is simple enough and it works, but due to the missing documentation of the Windows Authentication options, not really obvious to find.

Not so fast! Watch HttpClient Usage

The code above works fine for one off requests. The code I showed above is 'self-contained' in that it creates an HttpClient instance, runs the request and releases the instance.

But there's a problem with that code if you follow proper HttpClient usage advice which is:

Use a single instance of HttpClient for all requests and reuse it for all requests.

Contrary to the semantics of the Http protocol HttpClient prefers to share a single HttpClient instance that holds some of the connection settings that can help with cached requests and... caching things like cookies and authentication headers.

This optimizes throughput and makes the most use of the open connections available for all shared requests. Shared use of HttpClient is good advice - as I've moved some old HttpWebRequest code to async HttpClient code using reused instances and performance improved significantly for similar high volume request code.

Shared instance use typically manifests in the way of using IHttpClientFactory via DI, or a single method that creates and then retrieves a cached HttpClient instance. In West Wind WebSurge which is an Http Request and Load Testing tool that generically runs a lot of user specified Http Requests - potentially in parallel.

I use the following factory style method to create my shared HttpClient instance:

public HttpClient GetHttpClient(bool force = false)
    if (!force && _httpClient != null) return _httpClient;
    if (force) _httpClient?.Dispose();
    var socketsHandler = new SocketsHttpHandler
        PooledConnectionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
        PooledConnectionIdleTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1),
        MaxConnectionsPerServer = 100,
        UseCookies = Options.TrackPerSessionCookies,
	// Set Credentials here
    CredentialCache cache = null;
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.SiteBaseUrl))
        cache = new CredentialCache();
        cache.Add( new Uri(Options.SiteBaseUrl), Options.UsernamePasswordType, new NetworkCredential(Options.Username, Options.Password));
    if (cache != null)
        socketsHandler.Credentials = cache;

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wsApp.Configuration.ProxyUrl))
        socketsHandler.Proxy = new WebProxy(wsApp.Configuration.ProxyUrl);

    _httpClient = new HttpClient(socketsHandler);
    _httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Options.RequestTimeoutMs < 10 ? 10 : Options.RequestTimeoutMs);
    return _httpClient;

This works most of the time in WebSurge, because for load testing you typically stick to a single site and have a base URL for all tests configured in the first place. WebSurge internally builds a up a full URL from the user provided URL, Verb, headers etc. that's then used for each request.

But... requests are typically for a single site, but not always! Sometimes a session may include one or more URLs on a different site altogether and in that case the CredentialsCache is now no longer appropriate for this site.

The CredentialsCache is a collection, which is meant to address this as it allows you to add another set of credentials for a different site if necessary. But boy is that awkward if you don't know until the HTTP requests run what sites you might need credentials for.

And it royally sucks that you can't override credentials on an individual request - it has to be done at the time the shared and reused HttpClient is created. Grrr.

In WebSurge I minimize this issue by forcing to recreate my shared instance before every test run (of many, many requests):

public void InitializeTestRun()
    GetHttpClient(true);  // force client to be recreated with current session settings

    CancelThreads = false;
    // now let the Load Test run
    List<HttpRequestData> result = null;
    await Task.Run(async () =>
        await model.StressTester.RunSessions(model.Requests.ToList(), runOnce: false);
        result = Model.StressTester.RequestWriter.GetResults();

All of this is probably less of an issue in a typical application that communicates with one server at a time, but if you do have multiple sites that require credentials, having to define each of the credentials up front before requests are even run... is awkward at best.

It is something to be aware of!


Nothing particularly new and exciting here, other than pointing out a little non-obvious solution that has a 'documentation issue' with the missing docs for Windows Authentication security using the Negotiate or NTLM authentication schemes.

Leaving this here mainly for myself as a reminder to my future self...


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Posted in .NET  

The Voices of Reason


November 29, 2021

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

The documentation:

The NetworkCredential class is a base class that supplies credentials in password-based authentication schemes such as basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos. Classes that implement the ICredentials interface, such as the CredentialCache class, return NetworkCredential objects.

December 10, 2021

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

Not sure if you wanted your password shown in there - this is probably redundant but in case you use that password elsewhere I thought I'd mention it!

Rick Strahl
December 10, 2021

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

Thanks Matt - but the password was changed to protect the guilty ๐Ÿ˜„ Not a real password or account name for that matter.

May 02, 2022

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

Hi Rick.

Just wanted to tell you how great a resource you and your blog have been throughout my entire development career. Fifteen years now and I still find your posts helpful and relevant. So thank you for sharing, teaching, and leading the way for many of us.

June 23, 2022

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

Thanks for excellent post, this is exactly what I was looking for. The only issue that does not work for me is the credentials, is there a way to use current user windows credentials, the web service I am calling is running on IIS accepting windows authentication for internal web service

Rick Strahl
June 23, 2022

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

@Waleed - For HttpClient you can use UseDefaultCredentials on the HttpClientHandler (or SocketHandler). Another way is to use CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials - haven't tried the latter however.

Jake Coyne
August 09, 2022

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

Rick, Thank you for this, your writings are very helpful. I am wondering if you can offer some advice on why it might still be failing. If I access my API endpoint via a web browser it will ask for my credentials and if I provide my network credentials return the expected JSON. However, when I try this code:

Uri uri = new Uri("MY URL");
CredentialCache credentialsCache = new CredentialCache { { uri, "Negotiate", new NetworkCredential("USER", "PASS", "DOMAIN") } }; //Have also tried ("DOMAIN\\USER", "PASS") format
HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler { Credentials = credentialsCache, PreAuthenticate = true };
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(handler) { BaseAddress = uri, Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10) };
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri);
string json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

I get a 401 Unauthorized every time. I have tried using NTLM instead of Negotiate, with and without PreAuthenticate and always the 401 response. Unfortunately, the service I am calling is a third party I don't have much control over and I am currently out of ideas.

Rick Strahl
August 09, 2022

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

@Jake - you probably have to check a request that works and compare that indeed the server works with Windows authentication. You should hook up an HTTP proxy (like Fiddler) and see what gets sent - you should see the Negotiate header being sent to the server. Whether the server uses that correctly is another story, but that's what checking with some other mechanism verifies whether the UID and Password are valid and Windows Auth is actually what hte server is looking for. The server should be responding with a 401 along with the supported protocols in the headers.

Jake Coyne
August 09, 2022

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

@Rick - thank you it was entirely my mistake in assuming that it was looking for NTLM (based on the domain credentials). Your answer led me down the right path, thank you so much!

October 18, 2022

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

I have a Maui app that is using httpclient and it works great on Windows and iOS but the android client keeps failing with 401 error. I have tried using the AndroidHandler and everything else I can find with no success. I heard that .NET Core 6 has this issue and .NET Core 7 was supposed to fix it. However after using the Preview version it still fails. I have verified that I have all of the Android Permissions for this task as well. I am using NTLM authentication. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.

Matt F
March 16, 2023

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

Thanks for this Rick. Like you, I couldn't find any documentation on the subject - so thanks again for sharing it with us.

Jim R.
May 10, 2023

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

This really helped me. In my situation, I was trying to call a URL on the same server as the calling (the httpClient) code. At first, authentication failed -- actually, it was never attempted. IIS logs showed that the credentials were never passed at all, and I could not figure out why. I believe it was ultimately caused by loop back protection on the server running the endpoint I was trying to reach with httpClient. This can be disabled with a registry key, but since I didn't want to modify my endpoint server's registry, so I ran my httpClient code on another machine in the same network and it worked perfectly. I can confirm that using CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials worked fine for me, since my calling code was running in a user context that was authorized to access the endpoint server I'm running the calling code in a scheduled job with a certain user credential configured for the scheduled job. Good luck and thanks Rick!

Michaล‚ Kubiak
May 14, 2024

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

That's nice and all , but how do we do it without putting password in the code for example if user logged in using windows authentication?

June 04, 2024

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

Rick, thank you, excellent post. I had an issue with HttpClient sending requests to the the same base URL with different Basic credentials. The was some authorization logic at the server connected to the business logic. The first request from Client1 authorized, the second Client2 request probably used the same connection group and authorized as Client1. I tried to change Keep-Alive CloseConnection settings, but that didn't help so I finally had to create a factory using username specific HttpClient. Do you think there a better implementation for it? Thanks

rick Strahl
June 13, 2024

# re: Windows Authentication with HttpClient

@Michael - You can get the current user credentials with CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials, otherwise you'd prompt for credentials. Or you can build a new NetworkCredential() and pass in a SecureString from a login dialog.

West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024