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Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

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Ok I admit it - it took me way too long to figure out how to hook up and use the ng-Bootstrap's Typeahead control to work with dynamic lookup data that comes from the server. The documentation conveniently omits that little detail and as is often the case assumes you have a total grasp of the Observable and all the nuanced combinations of operators to figure out how to make dynamic calls on your own. In this post I'll show an example of how to use the TypeAhead control with data retrieved from the server using the Observable switchMap operator, which was the bit that was eluding me.

ng-Bootstrap is a collection of Angular components that wrap the native Bootstrap components like the Modal Dialog, Lists, Buttons etc. so that they can be dropped into the page as Angular components rather than using the default jQuery handling. It also adds a few additional controls like nice date and time pickers and the Typeahead/Auto-Complete control I'm going to discuss here. Using these components makes much easier to integrate programmatic control over bootstrap's components and it works fairly well. I'm not convinced that a lot of these wrappers, that only wrap the HTML for databinding add that much value, but for more interactive controls like the Modal and definitely for the missing DatePicker and Typeahead controls ng-bootstrap is very useful.

The ng-Bootstrap Typeahead control

I'm using my AlbumViewer sample app to demonstrate this functionality and here's what the ng-bootrap TypeAhead control looks like in action:

Bascially as I enter or edit albums, I can look up the name of an existing band and assign it to the band name of the album. Alternately I can also type a new band name. There are options that control the behavior of whether the control allows only selections from the list - by default it doesn't.

Let's take a look. The control is fairly straightforward to use at least for static content to display.

HTML Markup

Here's what the markup for the TypeAhead looks like in the HTML template:

<div class="form-group">
  <label for="ArtistName">Band Name:</label>
  <input id="ArtistName" type="text"

The control is data bound to the Artist in the model (the [(ngModel) attribute) and when the type ahead control expects to search it fires the search method in my component based on the [ngbTypeahead] attribute.

Component Code

In the component code I then need to add some dependencies. Specifically ng-bootstrap relies on various Observable behaviors which mostly come from the samples, but I added switchMap and catchError which are necessary for the async retrieval.

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, switchMap, catchError  } from 'rxjs/operators';

The actual component code to handle searching was a bit tricky to get right. ng-bootstrap has good docs for local data, but completely fails to mention how to handle doing remote lookups of the data, which is a pretty common use case. In my case I have an API call on the server that returns a key value pair of { name: "bandName", id: "bandId" } to return the matching bands for what was typed.


ng-Bootstrap uses a search event exposed as an Observable stream of search terms that are fired on the search method I've specified. Try as I might I find Observables unintuitive to work with, but regardless this makes sense in the way Angular things about events.

So, a sync implementation is easy enough (from the documentation):

search = (text$: Observable<string>) =>
  map(term => term.length < 2 
    ? []
    : states.filter(v => v.toLowerCase().indexOf(term.toLowerCase()) > -1).slice(0, 10))

The sample uses a static array of states and filters the list locally based on the search terms. The code debounces the input by 200ms so it doesn't fire immediately on key downs to avoid excessive thrashing, waits for a distinct value change (ie ignores navigation keys), and then maps the static result data into a result array. That all makes perfect sense.

To start with my data, I modified the sample data to match a few records of the Band data that my server is returning [ { name: "band", id: "bandId" } ] and I got that working easily enough and hooked in so the UI works properly.

Async and switchMap

But then question became how do I hook this up to result data retrieved from my API service?

My service call logic uses HttpClient in a service that returns an Observable<any>, so for model data I would typically use something like this:

   .subscribe( lookups =>  this.lookups );

So how do I hook this into the Observable that ng-bootstrap's Typeahead expects as a result? The map() example for the static data expects to materialize instance of an array which is easy with the static data - you can filter that or pass back the entire array and that just works for .map().

But for the dynamic data the data returned is an Observable which is not available as an instance until the Observable resolves. Basically I need to return an Observable rather than a concrete array of lookup items.

So perhaps to others it would be quite obvious on how to continue the Observable chain after re-mapping the result value. It wasn't to me and I went on a bunny chase trying to track down and find the right operator to return an observable.

Turns out the simple answer is the switchMap operator instead of map.

The switchMap Operator

switchMap is similar to map as a transformation function that takes an input value and transforms it into a new value and returns an Observable of that value. Unlike map the value returned is not the instance value, but an Observable. More info

So using switchMap here's what the code now looks like with my remote service call hooked in:

search = (text$: Observable<string>) => {
      return text$.pipe(      
          // switchMap allows returning an observable rather than maps array
          switchMap( (searchText) =>  this.albumService.artistLookup(searchText) ),
          catchError(new ErrorInfo().parseObservableResponseError)              

Quite simple actually, once you know which operator to use!.

The key here is:

switchMap( (searchText) =>  this.albumService.artistLookup(searchText) ),

The call to this.albumService.artistLookup(searchText) returns Observable<any> which is simply returned and continues on into the Observable chain. If an error occurs my custom error handler captures the error and displays a message in a toast notification.

So easy, right? Well, it wasn't easy to find for me, but in 50/50 hindsight; yes easy.

Binding Values to the TypeAhead

To finish out the TypeAhead logic and point out another issue that took me a while to figure out, is that both the input binding and result bindings need to be adjusted with the inputFormatter and resultFormatter. These formatters are used to format the inbound text for the input binding so that the display in the control displays correctly, and for the result that is going back into the model.

In this example the value is a simple string in both cases but since the data from the server actually is a key/value pair the data needs to be fixed both for input and result values using these two formatters.

Here they are:

 * Used to format the result data from the lookup into the
 * display and list values. Maps `{name: "band", id:"id" }` into a string
resultFormatBandListValue(value: any) {            
  return value.name;
  * Initially binds the string value and then after selecting
  * an item by checking either for string or key/value object.
inputFormatBandListValue(value: any)   {
    return value.name
  return value;

these values are bound in the HTML template with:


Note that the input formatter needs to differentiate between two different binding modes: The initial ng-model binding when the form first loads and the assignment when the model value is updated from the TypeAhead control.

I have to say this seems pretty convoluted when I think about list binding. Coming from other environments I expect an items source with a display binding expression and a selected item that are separate. Instead ng-bootstrap opts to use the list and transform the values explicitly or it uses the text typed into the input box which are two very distinct value types.

These formatters are necessary to work around this type mismatch and they act as transformation handlers which seems more unexpected work for such a common use case scenario.

But I'm glad the control provides the core features smoothly and it works and once you've worked through this once, you can copy and paste the base logic easily enough. But getting started and implementing this thing certainly took me a while - way longer than I would like to admit 😒.

Getting Ahead

Many of you have heard me rave about the DatePicker and TypeAhead abyss in HTML/JavaScript frameworks where every few months we need to hunt for a new one as we switch frameworks or tools and this is my bi-yearly attempt at that.

All things considered using ng-bootstrap was one of the easier integrations I've done recently and really the focus and pain point is more about the separate issue of Observables than ng-bootstrap.

It's my own inability to fully grok all the Observables operators and nuances. I can read and use them once and it all makes sense, but then... they have the same effect as RegEx on me - I can get them working, but then when I step away and come back it's like starting over. Unintuitive and non-discoverable APIs are big detriment to keep things in my head. Observables just feels horribly unnatural to me.


This post really boils down to using the correct Observable operator. What eluded me was switchMap even though I had a good idea what feature I needed I just couldn't quickly pin down the right operator.

In summary, switchMap is similar to map as a transformation function that takes an input value and transforms it and then returns an Observable of the transformed value. Unlike map the value returned is not a value but an Observable.

It was a very circuitous path that led me to find it eventually and that's primarily why I'm writing this down for my own future reference. Maybe it'll prove useful to a few of you as well.


this post created and published with Markdown Monster
Posted in Angular  

The Voices of Reason


May 14, 2019

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

Hi There,

Very nice explanation, also took my some time to figure out what is going on with this thing, but got it working mostly.

I have an issue now, my observable that I use for the results is updated externally, thus when a user types something, the request is sent to the server by tapping into the pipe and then using a switchMap on that returns my observable, but this observable comes from outside of my component, the function I call that does the web request also lives outside of my component.

What this is causing is that user might search a name and the http request returns a result, but the result is only shown when the user types another key, do you have any idea of how I can force the ngbtypeahead to update the results shown on screen?


December 27, 2019

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

Thanks for this explanation. The official docs don't explain much.

Alex Lindberg
January 06, 2020

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

This is close to what I am needing. My REST applications returns, using your example, a JSON using bandId as key along with other related data.

What I need to show in my ng-bootstrap typeahead is the Band Name based on bandId. The Band Name is found when using another REST query which returns the JSON you have described as [ { name: "band", id: "bandId" } ]

How do you use put the bandId in the FormControl and while displaying the Band Name?

Richard Bond
January 11, 2020

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

Thanks for this!

I struggled with this on my own site for a week before settling on a hacky work-around. With this new information, I'm excited to go back and do it "right".

Peter Drinnan
January 12, 2020

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

I agree with Asad. Would never have figured this out using the offical docs. This is the best example I have seen so far. Been on a dozen sites looking for something like this. Thanks so much.

Rick Strahl
January 12, 2020

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

@Richard - this control is very funky in its behavior in other ways too, and to me at least damn unintuitive. I had no luck getting the converters to do the right thing, turning the result value from an object into a single string value for example. It worked for display, but the final value binding - not so much. I ended up having to change my service data returned to make this work 😏

February 04, 2020

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

Thank you for this blog. I was messing around a lot. I never had guessed the switchMap would be the solution. Fantastic..

Keyur Patel
May 17, 2020

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

switchMap flatens. Meaning to get value emitted by inner observable, we don't need to nest subscribe(twice). switchMap cancels all the Inner Observable subscriptions excepts the last inner subscription.

const getData = (example,param) => of(`${example}  API returns square: ${ param * param}`).pipe(delay(3000)); //

// using regular map
// notice subscribe() twice(example 1) because it is Observable of Observable of string.Obervable<Observable<string>>
// from() returns observable which is piped & then map() calls getData which returns Observable(Inner) instead of Value.
// that is why pipe returns Observable of Observable. Obervable<Observable<string>>
from([4, 6, 8, 10] ).pipe(
  map( param => { // param is valued emitted by the source of Observable(Outer/Parent Array)
    console.log('param: ', param); // param:  4, param:  6, param:  8, param:  10
    return getData('Example 1', param);
).subscribe( outerObsValue => {
  console.log('outerObsValue: ', outerObsValue); // Observable object
  outerObsValue.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
}); // Example 1  API returns square: 16

from([1, 2, 3, 4]).pipe(
  map(param => getData('Example 2', param)),
). subscribe( val => console.log(val));

from([1, 2, 3, 4]).pipe(
  switchMap( param => getData('Example 3', param))
).subscribe(val => console.log(val));

September 13, 2020

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

Thanks for the explanation. There's also an event that really helps. Check "selectItem", the documentation explains as it follows:

" /** * An event emitted right before an item is selected from the result list. * * Event payload is of type NgbTypeaheadSelectItemEvent. */"

Hope this helps.

May 19, 2023

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

Thank you, awesome guide, just save my life 19/05/2023 Maybe not my life but my mental health 😉

Edward Lawrence Williams
January 31, 2024

# re: Using the ng-BootStrap TypeAhead Control with Dynamic Data

Finding this post was like finding water after two days RUNNING in the desert. Thank you so much for sharing!

West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2025