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ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

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aspnetConnections  I’ve posted my session samples and slides from last week’s Fall 2008 DevConnection conference. As always the conference has been great fun and I’ve been pretty happy with my presentations (except maybe the REST session which was just to short with the 15 minutes that were cut due to scheduling). This time around I had fairly easy sessions that I’d done a few times before which always makes things a little easier and I think the sessions went very well. Judging from feedback it looks like they were well received too…

Oddly though this year I didn’t feel terribly social – it seems like I was stuck in my room a lot working on sessions or various other things.Even the few times I got out it seemed the atmosphere with attendees seemed a little subdued – odd for a conference at Vegas. I’m just like Scott Hanselman pointed out in that respect: I don’t gamble, don’t drink or party much, and least of all do I like the cheesy excesses of Vegas. Not much that all that has to offer me especially on repeat visits. To me conferences are about hanging out with other developers but unfortunately there seemed to be very little of that at this conference. Even so I had a few interesting discussions at a few of the parties and with a variety of attendees after sessions. Frankly I really wish conferences tried to encourage more interaction between attendees and speakers by way of their scheduling instead of the separation of events and isolation with the ‘speaker room’ that seems to be happening so much at conferences that I’ve spoken at. <shrug>

Anyway enough bantering. Here are are the download links for my sessions:

Using jQuery with ASP.NET

This set of samples includes a number of different examples starting with the completed walk through client side example that demonstrates a wide variety of client selector operations, plus the interactive selection window and word search popups. This sample also includes a basic pulse plug in (shown), plus a Selector filter extension for :containsNoCase (not shown). There are a host of simple AJAX examples that take you through HTML fragment loading with $.load() including retrieving independent content, as well as a few variations of retrieving content from the same ASP.NET page and a basic example of returning JSON data from page output (which has many applications including MVC style apps). Then there are two identical samples that use WCF with jQuery – one that uses ASP.NET Ajax Web Service callbacks and one that uses only jQuery to access the same WCF service. Finally there are three larger sample applications provided: A WCF based StockPortfolio manager that allows picking stocks and adding, editing and deleting them from a portfolio view. Sample demonstrates a raw AJAX approach with all data loaded client side. Also demonstrates using jTemplates. There’s also a PhotoAlbum application that demonstrates a host of mechanisms for displaying and manipulating image display in a variety of ways. This is a reusable app that works simply with files in a directory that can be easily imported and updated. Demonstrates a number of plug-ins including Sortable and a custom Editable plugin used to edit captions in place. Finally there’s an Amazon Book Picker application which I use for selecting books from Amazon to display in my Web log. App allows selecting books from Amazon and using a window based layout allows adding, editing and updating of content. Demonstrates a more LOB type scenario and interaction of multiple floating windows of information. Also uses John Resig’s Microtemplate Engine.

This download also includes a jControls project which includes most of the West Wind Ajax Toolkit’s controls updated with jQuery. It includes a host of AJAX based utility classes including the ClientScriptProxy, ScriptContainer, ScriptVariables and other utilities covered here on this blog as well as a native callback control (AjaxMethodCallback) to make server callbacks easily with ASP.NET AJAX, DragPanel, HoverPanel and ModalPopup server controls as well as a rich client library of jQuery plug-ins that support the server side controls (although the client controls can be used independently of the server controls).

Download jQuery Slides and Samples

Using WCF for REST and JSON Services with ASP.NET

This set of samples includes a few simple REST urls that are directly accessed via URL demonstrating different result formats including XML, JSON, RSS as well as streamed responses. There’s also a second project that uses the WCF REST Starter Kit to publish a simple collection based list of items with basic display, list, add, update and delete support. This set also includes the WCF StockPortfolio example application I showed in the jQuery session, but done mostly with pure ASP.NET Ajax (with a little help from jQuery and a few helper functions). This example again is provided in ASP.NET AJAX and raw AJAX versions (implemented via jQuery) demonstrating different approaches to the same backend service to allow comparing behavior side by side. The examples in this session are not really self-explanatory – they rely somewhat on demonstrations and manipulation of the base code especially for the REST samples.

Download WCF REST Slides and Samples


Dealing with Long Running Requests in ASP.NET

This set of examples demonstrates a host of different operations to deal with long running requests. These examples take a very basic scenario of returning some data and displaying it with some delay. Different approaches are used to address various issues involved with slow running requests starting with user progress/working display options, moving on to asynchronous operations to reduce request times for IO centric tasks (Async Pages with Async Operations and Async Page Tasks). Then there are a several delegate and thread scenarios addressed from run and forget operations that can run in the background without feedback, to using a background scheduler for batching operations without tying up ASP.NET threads on seperate background thread. The final example then provides a comprehensive custom messaging solution that allows client and offloaded process server to communicate progress information while processing as well as pass complex data back to the client for working with or display. The messaging solution can be run inside of ASP.NET, in a separate process (sample uses a WinForm so you can see it run, but typically a service is more likely target) and finally running on a separate machine to offload processing completely of the current machine. The samples includes full source for the remote message manager.

Download Long Running Slides and Samples


Thanks for all those that attended my sessions in Vegas – I hope you got something useful out of them. I appreciate the many kind words many of you had afterwards… here’s giving back a little to you and the rest of the folks that didn’t make it. Enjoy.

Posted in ASP.NET  jQuery  

The Voices of Reason


November 17, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

Thanks for posting the slides and code samples. I had to leave for the airport just as your jQuery talk was starting. (I think I might have passed you in the hall on the way out.) I was disappointed when I saw the schedule and knew I would miss it because I was looking for a good jQuery jump start. Hopefully what you've posted will be a good substitute.

I agree with you on the subdued atmosphere of the conference and even more so about the lack of speaker interaction. We attendees spend a lot of money and take time away from work and family to travel to conferences like this to interact with experts in their respective fields. Trying to cram that interaction into the few minutes between sessions when you're one of a dozen standing around the stage afterwards never works. Honestly, except for one case where I had a question that I absolutely needed clarification on I just didn't bother.

Thanks again for the post.

November 17, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted


Really enjoyed your jQuery and WCF presentations. Both gave me an excellent jump start. I am in the same boat as you, I don't really gamble, don't drink or party that much, (can't stand the smoke in the casinos anyway!) It seemed that I was walking miles from one room to another and did not get much interaction with the speakers as well. With that being said, I did like all the sessions that I attended. My only regret was not seeing Joe Satriani and Mountain at the House of Blues on Monday Night...



Marc Scheuner
November 17, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

Hi Rick, good stuff as usual - but I can't seem to find the slides (powerpoint) for your WCF Rest presentation - seem to be missing from the ZIP. Can you post these, too, please? Thanks!

Greetings from Switzerland, Marc

Rick Strahl
November 17, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

@Marc - sorry missed the slides in that session. They're updated now...

November 17, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted


I only have SQL 2005 installed locally. Doesn't look like the WcfAjax.mdf is going to run on 2005. Any suggestions?


November 17, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

Rick, I think ui.draggable.js may be missing from the jQueryWeb project.

Rick Strahl
November 18, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

@Craig - thanks. Updated. Not sure how this happened - somewhere in my final cleanup of the project I guess.

The database is V 9.0 (SQL 2005). You just may have to attach it explicitly. I've had problems with getting it to work properly due to permissions in some situations in 'file mode'. The sample should work out of the box with file mode connection and the local Web server though.

Craig Serold
November 19, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

Thanks Rick. I tried to attach it to attach but kept getting the same version error message. I had a friend attach it to 2008, export the tables to 2005. He sent me the MDF and everything started working fine....weird.

I've really enjoyed going through the projects and code. Have you settled on a solution for Modal windows. I saw that you implemented something custom. I've also looked at jqModal and the "dialog widget" in the JQuery UI. Wanted to see if you had an opinion.

November 19, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

Hey Rick, can you post the mdf file for Using jQuery with ASP.NET in sql express 2005 as many of us don't yet have sql server/express 2008?

Marc Scheuner
November 22, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

Hey Rick - sorry, I just downloaded your wcfrest.zip again - but still no PPT(X) file inside :-( Will attempt no. 3 get it really right? :-)


Adham Shaaban
November 24, 2008

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

Hey Rick, thanks for the great sessions at the conference. I agree about the overall conference atmosphere. This was my frist "connections" conference and I don't think I'll be going back. I attended MIX last year and in my opinion that was a MUCH better planned and organized conference. Aside from the lack of speaker interactions, this conference just seemed too chaotic in the way the different rooms and functions were setup but I digress, thanks again for good sessions that made the conf worthwhile.


Dave Burke
April 08, 2009

# WCF .SVC 404.3 W2K8 IIS7 Fix

WCF .SVC 404.3 W2K8 IIS7 Fix

September 08, 2009

# re: ASP.NET Connection Session Slides and Samples Posted

Hi Rick,

I try to run your wcfAjax2005.exe into my SQL SERVER 2005 SP2, but was in error during conversion datatype from char to datetime :
"La conversione del tipo di dati da char a datetime ha generato un valore di tipo datetime non compreso nell'intervallo dei valori consentiti."

I don't have sql 2008, can you send me please the .sql script to create WcfAjax database ?

Thank you, regards


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