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wwHoverPanel AJAX Control Updated

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I've updated the wwHoverPanel library yesterday with a number of small bug fixes and a handful of new features and enhancements. Most of these are cosmetic. wwHoverPanel is a small AJAX library that I use in my internal tools and products and it provides a few core features: Simple JSON remote callbacks that can be used easily from anywhere in ASP.NET (Page, Handler, control code, user controls) and a pop up window support with dynamic content. A few related features include easily draggable and closeable windows and modal dialogs along with a small JavaScript library to handle common client scripting tasks.

This update just adds a few minor enhancements like improved shadow display on windows with IE, a few enhancements to the fade effects as well as a few new shortcut functions in the script library that make control creation and Ajax callbacks a bit easier (basically single line callbacks). It also fixes a few reported bugs.

For all that's new you can check the What's new Page.


Posted in AJAX  ASP.NET  

West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024