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LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

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I've been mostly watching LINQ take shape and only recently started in looking at it a bit more closely.I've been pretty excited about the prospect of LINQ in general and the database connectivity in particular - after all I come from an XBase background where a built in Data Definition Language and native SQL syntax has always been available (for 20 years!). LINQ of course is much more than just the data access layer and to be honest the language integration features are much more impressive than the data possibilities.


Disclaimer: I'm just starting to look at LINQ to Entities stuff, so it's quite possible I'm missing some of the picture - I'm throwing out some of the impressions and questions I have from what I've read, tried and heard from various speakers.


Last week at the MVP summit, Anders Heljsberg went through a quite extensive demo of various LINQ features and it was just one more kick in teh ass for me to take a closer look. However, after seeing Ander's demo and hearing some of the comments made, and asking a few questions regarding LINQ there's one issue that really gnaws at me and that's the issue of anomyous types travelling well across local method boundaries such as returning a dynamic query result from a method.


I'm not 100% sure I understand all the issues here, but apparently one issue of LINQ is that you cannot run 'dynamic' queries - queries that return anonymous types - and return the result back out of a method in a meaningful way. So if you do something like this:


public static void WebStore101()


    WebStoreDataBaseDataContext db = new WebStoreDataBaseDataContext();


    var q = from c in db.Customers

            from i in db.Invoices

            where c.company == "West Wind Technologies"

            where c.pk == i.custpk

            where i.invdate > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-5)

            select new { c.company, c.lastname, c.pk, i.invdate, i.invtotal };                   


    ObjectDumper.Write(q, 0);



where the select clause basically creates an anonymous type on the fly, there's no good way to pass out the var q result. You can't define a method to return of type var as far as I can tell. You can return the type as a generic object. So return q can be returned generically only as type object or IEnumerable when the type is anonymous.


So we have duck typing but no way to waddle our way out of the local scope <s>.


This makes perfect sense in a strongly typed environment I suppose - the specifications for the anonymous type are bound up within this local method and outside of that method nothing can really know what the type of the created object is. But nevertheless from a re-usability point of view we have a big problem if you want dynamic results.


What’s a bit infuriating about this is – we’re so close yet not quite there! You can force a projection to be identified with a type name by using the into clause. For example to return both the invoice and customer data in a local method you can use code like this:


var q = from c in db.Customers

        from i in db.Invoices

        where c.company == "West Wind Technologies"

        where c.pk == i.custpk

        where i.invdate > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-5)

       select new { c, i, c.lastname, i.invtotal} into x

       select x;


      foreach (var x in q)


        Console.WriteLine(x.c.company + " - " + x.c.lastname + " - " +    

        x.i.invdate.ToString() + " - " + x.i.invtotal.ToString());                       



So within the local method you can get this duck typing to work through projection, but unfortunately ‘x’ in this case is a local only variable. It sure would be nice if there was some way to define a public type…


The above only applies if you’re using anonymous types. You CAN return query results if you run the results into a specific enumarable type which means using the select clause and inserting into an existing type:


public static IEnumerable<Customers> WebStore101()


    WebStoreDataBaseDataContext db = new WebStoreDataBaseDataContext();


    IEnumerable<Customers> q =

            from c in db.Customers

            from i in db.Invoices

            where c.company == "West Wind Technologies"

            where c.pk == i.custpk

            where i.invdate > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-5)

            select c;


    ObjectDumper.Write(q, 0);


    return q;



the result q in this case is a concrete enumaration and that can easily passed out of the method. But if you do this you're also not getting any of the related data - the invoice data in this case since the type you assign has to be a single type.  IOW, this completely changes the nature of the query...


The other problem with concrete class implementations – unless you create specific classes for every possible query result – is that you end up with a lot more data than you might be asking for. If you run say: select c.pk, c.lastname and you project it into a full customers object you’ll get the entire customer data instead of just the pk (although single values can be cast directly to their structural type with LINQ, so maybe that’s a bad example – take two fields instead).


What works and what doesn’t?

If you're going to end up using LINQ queries right in the UI layer and databinding the data directly to a DataSources there's not much of a problem. The DataSource controls understand and can bind to the data no problem because they are already using Reflection to dynamically figure out what fields need to be bound etc.


DataSource controls appear to also understand the object structure if you return a dynamic query result as IEnumerable or object, because they essentially look at the object structure via Reflection.


But I’m seriously wondering how can I use LINQ in my business layer and pass the results I might get back from a dynamic query back up to another application layer like the UI. And say the UI layer needs to iterate over the data manually to perform some calculation. This doesn’t appear to be an option…


Am I missing something really obvious here? This seems like a major limitation of LINQ.



Other ways to query?

So while looking at this I started experimenting around with a number of different ways to query the data and try to return results back. As I mentioned earlier you can return a dynamic query result as object or IEnumerable. Not terribly useful but it works with databinding.


One thing that does work is to create a custom time and then have LINQ project the result into a custom type. So if you run a query and you have a couple of dynamic fields you can create a public matching class and dump the data into that. It’s pretty cool that you can do this, but it begs the question – why isn’t there some way that the compiler can’t do this for me with the into (or some other directive):


public class WebStoreDataTest


    public static IEnumerable<SqlResult> WebStore101()

    //public static void WebStore101()


        WebStoreDataBaseDataContext db = new WebStoreDataBaseDataContext();


        // use Where() to find only elements that match

        //IEnumerable<Customers> q = db.Customers.Where(c => c.company == "West Wind Technologies");


        //IEnumerable<Customers> q =

        IEnumerable<SqlResult> q = from c in db.Customers

                from i in db.Invoices

                where c.company == "West Wind Technologies"

                where c.pk == i.custpk

                where i.invdate > DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-5)

                select new SqlResult(c.company, c.lastname);                      


        ObjectDumper.Write(q, 0);


        return q;




public class SqlResult


    public SqlResult(string Company, string LastName)


        this.company = Company;

        this.lastname = LastName;



    private string _company;


    public string company


        get { return _company; }

        set { _company = value; }



    private string _lastname;


    public string lastname


        get { return _lastname; }

        set { _lastname = value; }




This works great – I get a strongly typed object, but then we're back into the same mess that we've always had with Entity object frameworks where every kind of query requires a custom object to load the data into.


It sure would be nice if the into clause could somehow create a public object (optionally) - after all the compiler is already doing the hard part of creating the types in the first place...


So what?

LINQ looks just awesome (not just for the Data access stuff, but for the base language), but this issue has me pretty worried about just how useful LINQ is going to be inside of a business layer.


Anybody been thinking about this issue? I can’t be the first one who’s hit this and trying to analyze the implications.

Posted in LINQ  

The Voices of Reason


March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

I think it's cool until you try to work in a real multi-tier environment.

ie. pass your changed object to a webservice and then try to call 'update' on it.

So, I think it needs work there, otherwise, it's just a 'logical' multi-tier environment

March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

This guy has the same problem with a possible (scary) solution


March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

If general when exchanging the data across tiers or assemblies, I'd recommend defining a class that you use (for example: Customer, or "CustomerInvoiceData").

Using the new automatic properties support, this is really easy to-do, and allows you to serialize them automatically across web-services. For more on automatic properties, please read this: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/03/08/new-c-orcas-language-features-automatic-properties-object-initializers-and-collection-initializers.aspx

If you want the access to be completely late-bound, then you can either return an IEnumerable or Object and use reflection against it. Or alternatively, you can can save the results of the LINQ query in a hash lookup-like structure like a DataTable/DataSet.

In fact, you could even write an Extension Method for DataTable that automatically loaded the result of a LINQ query into a DataTable for you if you wanted to:

DataTable result = new DataTable;

You could then access the values using the row and columns API for a DataTable. For more on extension methods, please read this: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/03/13/new-orcas-language-feature-extension-methods.aspx

Hope this helps,


P.S. I have some good

Wilco Bauwer
March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Haven't tried this, but couldn't you just let the caller define what kind of projection they want? E.g.:

IEnumerable<R> GetCustomers(Func<X, R> selector) {
var results = from .......
select selector;
return results;

// And then call it like:
var customersWithNames = GetCustomers(c => new { c.Name });
var customersWithNamesAndAge = GetCustomers(c => new { c.Name, c.Age });

Rick Strahl
March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Scott while I see your point about passing data back 'whole' when returning across tiers I think there are some big issues with that scenario:

I can see the definition of a CustomerInvoiceData query result object and feeding that as I did in one of the examples, but man you are going to end up with a lot of objects littered in your application if you do this. Not only that, but sometimes the results are truly dynamic where users can pick what fields they want to return support. I suppose in that case the Hashtable like interface would work. I have to check that out...

It just seems that this is really unnecessary, if the compiler could just spit out a globally accessible object instead of a local one. I suspect it's difficult for the compiler to track this object reference, but honestly if you think about usage scenarios this is a pretty big deal.

Nobody wants to go back to using a DataTable or Hashtable with object lookups when the whole promise of LINQ is strongly typed querying and results. <s>

Wilco, hmmm... interesting idea, but aren't you in effect then making the projection local to the caller? Then the target method can't see the anonymous type properly. I have to play with this as well.

I think the big issue for business object methods is this: Whatever you return from a business object method needs to be easy to use. In the business layer maybe more work is reasonable, but not when the data comes out of it. To me that means that if the LINQ query comes back it should be visible with standard LINQ object semantics. If it's anything else I might as well continue using a DataTable/DataReader etc. and truly consider LINQ just a tool for 'local' method processing.

Wilco Bauwer
March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Yes, the caller would be making the projection in this case. An alternative version of this approach would be to make the projection in the "target method", loop over it and invoke the client's selector. If in your target project you define an AT with the properties "Name" and "Age", the client should then only be able to create a subprojection of this. It'd look something like:

IEnumerable<R> GetCustomers<Func<X, R> selector) {
var results = from c in Customers ... select new { c.Name, c.Age };
// Do something with results if you want...
foreach (var r in results) {
// X is inferred from the dynamic type in this method, R is inferred from
// what happens inside the selector.
yield selector(r);

What you're suggesting seems rather scary. I don't think you want the compiler to be in the business of generating *user* types. As soon as it does that, you and the compiler will have to start dealing with conflicts, etc. You'd end up with a complete mess.

Rick Strahl
March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Wilco, how so? This is no different than declaring a type. I would consider the public type generation as an optional declaration. Something like this:

select { c.company, i.invdate } into ResultQuery as CompInvoice

The compiler could just as easily create a class with that type name as it does now with 'generated' type name. Operationally that doesn't change anything. The compiler semantics would be more difficult no doubt but from a compiled code perspective what's really different other than that the type has now a known and reusable name you can reference?

I would see this as an optional directive where the type gets generated into the current namespace (or you could provide it: MyNamespace.CompInvoice).
Remove Comment

Wilco Bauwer
March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Oh, you mean like that. Yeah, I guess that could work. Hmm. I actually kind of like that.

Not sure how well that would work wrt. versioning though. Changing the projection directly changes the type, which might not be as obvious as changing a normal type.

(By the way, what's up with your blog? Every post so far I had to repost because I got a server error.)

Rick Strahl
March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Hmmm... versioning issues wouldn't be any different than with a concrete type. If you project into a 'global' type like I'm suggesting you are in effect creating a new class so the same rules would apply. Ideally you would be able to specify both class and namespace.

What exactly are your concerns regarding versioning?

As to the errors - I have to check the error log and see what's going on. I've been replying to your comments with no problems, but then my posting path's a little different than your's <s>. Will check it out. Maybe I should start using the same mechanism as everybody else once in a while, he he...

Wilco Bauwer
March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

My concern is that it's just not as obvious that you're actually changing an entire type just by changing the projection. Maybe I'm wrong...

Rick Strahl
March 22, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Yeah, that's definitely an issue, but the compiler would catch that during compile time at least. It's definitely a specialty case and you'd have to think of the type as a dynamic type, but it seems to me that this should be doable and provide a big productivity gain.

If you really want strong type validation then Scott's suggestion of creating an explicit query result type works. The issue with this is that you get a lot of clutter in your projects for these types and it's not exactly quick to create a new class, properties (easier in 3.5 thankfully though) and a constructor to make this work. You now also have to make changes in two places everytime you change a query, which is the real bummer.

I mean even a simplistic application like this Web Log probably has a hundred different custom query results - imagine creating all those types for each result manually. OTOH, I wonder what this does to application performance - all those dynamic types have to exist somewhere. All of a sudden you end up bloating your assemblies and memory footprint something fierce for all these dynamic types.

Bertrand Le Roy
March 23, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

I quite like Rick's idea too. The "as" keyword seems ideal here.
Although I find Wilco's suggestions smart (as his code usually is ;) ), one thing I don't like is that the method doesn't expose its return type. The user code needs knowledge of the inner workings of the method to decide how to write the lambda function. I'm not even talking about how you document that and explain why it's necessary to jump through those loops. Nice workaround though.

Wilco Bauwer
March 23, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Actually, the user shouldn't need to be exposed to the implementation details... In my example you should actually substitute X with Customer (e.g. the element type of your data source). Without that I doubt it would compile at all. It'd then look like:

IEnumerable<TCustomerProjection> GetCustomers<Customer, TCustomerProjection>(Func<Customer, TCustomerProjection> selector) {
// ...

This should make it much more accessible... But yeah, being able to name a type which would otherwise be anonymous would probably be ideal.

Rick Strahl
March 23, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Unfortunately it's probably too late for this sort of change to happen I would guess.

But maybe you guys inside of the hive can run that by some people of influence. This seems totally doable and a huge usability improvement...

Mohamed Meligy
March 23, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

I've been talking with Dody G (SepplCoder.com founder, and my manager, even founder of SilverKeyTech.com) about it last week.

Dody has a post on the topic ""LINQ Data Layer Pattern - Why it sucks" http://spellcoder.com/blogs/dodyg/archive/2007/03/19/6389.aspx

The inability to return an instance of an anonymous type might sound logical, still is quite annoying.

The solution Scott Gu suggested (Scott Gu is my favourite hero BTW) is not that good though. I won't discuss why we have those originally. I again agree with Dody that "C# 3.0 Automatic Properties is a hack" (check http://spellcoder.com/blogs/dodyg/archive/2007/03/09/6191.aspx ). However, the real problem is that you end up having too many junk types, each per each series of data columns or anonymous type property, which is bad bad.

Dody suggested that C# 3.0 should support Taples. Personally I'm not sure whether this is the right answer, or this should be supported in C# 3.0 not 3.x or so, but I can't see more alternatives. The idea to return Object or IEnumerator is needless to say another bad bad bad thing I guess! Also, using a single type per entity and filling only the properties you return is a non typed method of doing it (you keep womdering which properties have values), and leads to many other odd questions.

June 27, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Just one thing I don't understand If I map my objects to tables in database then why do even I bother creating OO Model for any of the applications we can just use this mapper objects LINQ looks like another pattern which has been implemented by some MS SQL DBA (From one of the MS affiliated companies) and might have worked for them. But in real OO model I don't think this would work. It's good to have this as under DataMapper Tier but again .. why do I want to add another tier into my solution?. LINQ might work in some cases but I think it won't support real OO Design. So please guys don't treat this as a solution for your Business Objects and it's just there to make your Data Mapping easy.

Rick Strahl
June 27, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

I don't think of LINQ as business objects. LINQ can potentially be the Data Access Layer at least in large part (I think you won't get away with LINQ for everything so some raw ADO.NET may still be required anyway).

September 26, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?


I had the exact same experience as u do and then I found this article.

What we have decided in our developments is to avoid using projections when u returning from a Business Layer/Data Layer. We jsut stick to the selection of the entities like:

public IQueryable<Customer> GetCustomers()
NorthwindDataContext db = new NorthwindDataContext();
var query = from c in db.Customers
select c;

return query;

The calling environment is then responsible of doing any projections by adding another linq expression on top of the returned results like:

static void Main(string[] args)
var customers = GetCustomers();
var customerContacts = from c in customers
select new { c.CustomerID, c.ContactName };

foreach (var customerContact in customerContacts)


hope this helps. :)

October 03, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Hey eriki. That seems like a good compromise. Naturally that begs another question of what we actually gain by the GetCustomers abstraction in the first place. In one many respects just using the db context object directly would be easier and more flexible and do all your queries local as needed. Some queries may be complex where you want to codify in a static method or something and attach to the Customer parcial class. Then you just need a few helper methods and not a full wrapper around the db. So what are we actually gaining by the additional dal layer? I too struggle with this question.

Rick Strahl
October 03, 2007

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

William, you gain a lot actually. Abstraction, centralized location for query code, which makes for better reusability and maintenance. If you put the query code in the UI you will be cutting and pasting, and while you may still run further queries on the returned result from the business object the core query logic is abstracted in one place. It makes it easier to test, easier to debug, easier to reuse and easier to maintain.

Also remember that in most cases queries will be more complex, but as a general practice in a business layer I prefer abstracting every query into the middle tier no matter how simple. For one thing it makes it much easier to get a feel of what code is accessing the database and what it's doing.

This post http://www.west-wind.com/WebLog/posts/159522.aspx on creating a LINQ business layer outlines some of the reasons along with code on the whys and hows of doing this.

January 03, 2008

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

I followed this entire thread with great enthusiasm as it seemed I too was missing some fine point of LINQ. Rick, as a XFox guy too (by the way we met at a Fox DevCon in Orlando), I really appreciate data access becoming native to the language.

My personal solution, for the time being, is to create database views for the select statements that would otherwise produce anonymous types. I add the views to the LINQ designer and voila, I get a first rate class and loss the anonymous type issue. Of course, if designed carefully, views are also updateable.

This does not solve the problem of adhoc type queries but does make life generally easier and seems like a reasonably 'pure' solution.

I realize this thread is not very current, hopefully my comment is still useful.

January 18, 2008

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Have you looked at the VS2008 Samples? http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/bb330936.aspx

The is a dynamic linq sample that I have been playing around with that lets you specifiy your queries as follows.

var query =
db.Orders.Where("ShipCountry == @0", "USA").
OrderBy("Customer.CompanyName, OrderDate").
Select("New(Customer.CompanyName as Company, ShipCountry, OrderDate, ShipName, Order_Details.Average(UnitPrice) as Crap, Order_Details.Average(Quantity) as MoreCrap)");

Notice the column definition for the select is a string that gets parsed by the Dynamic Linq extension. I can then access the dynamic class that is returned any way I chose, for instance
foreach (object c in query)
PropertyInfo[] infos = c.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo info in infos)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", info.Name, info.GetValue(c, null));

This way you don't have to define an huge number of GetCustomer functions with every column combination.

Rick Strahl
January 19, 2008

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Jeff, yes I posted an update with more information here a while ago and touched more on the dynamic query expression library.


tArun cHatterjee
June 20, 2008

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

iQuerable class also can be implemented

Mike Russo
December 05, 2008

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

I dunno the compiler already generates the classes internally (using name mangling) ... so all they prob need to do is make the classes public and add syntax for us to name them on the fly ... like

var data = from c in context.Customers
               select new { c.FusrName, c.LastName } into BLL.CustomerName;

The compiler is already smart enough to reuse anonymous types as well ... but not smart enough to reuse if the properties are re-arranged ... (that could be an improvement)

The main challenge really is during design-time ... the intellisense would need to pre-compile anonymous types on the fly to determine properties ... it would have to look at the return type of the function ... which also raises the issue, what if the funtion returns two diff anonymous types via conditional statement?

A more crazy approach would be to introduce the ability to define properties on the fly ... i kinda like ActionScript approach where you can use the dynamic keyword in the class header

dynamic class Whatever

Then the calling code can define and read properties on the fly ...

Whatever obj = new Whatever();
obj.FirstName = "Mike";

All anonymous types would define a class in this mode ... of course you lose early bound features (including intellisense) ... but at least then you could return anonymous type ... or plain object type ...

I guess no different from VB.NET w/ Option Strict off ... otherwise i presume you would have to beef-up the function prototype ... or maybe add more constraints to generic type definition ...

public List<T> GetCustomers() where T: { FirstName:string, LastName:string }
    var data = from c in context.Customers
                   select new T(c.FirstName, c.LastName);
    return data.ToList();

This approach obviously will get ugly and your basically near creating cutom business objects for every projection again ...

Finally, what really is the difference if we litter our library w/ all these business objects anyhow ... the compiler will do the same in the long run giving u less control ... so we come full circle ...

public List<CompanyName> GetCustomers()
    var data = from c in context.Customers
                   select new CompanyName(c.FirstName, c.LastName);
    return data.ToList();

If we aready have the business oject created maybe we can shorten this to save typing ...

public List<CompanyName> GetCustomers()
    var data = from c in context.Customers
                   select as CompanyName;
    return data.ToList();

But would require more compiler involvement ...

March 25, 2009

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Writing simple CopyObject<T>(...) or getting if from http://www.csharpbydesign.com/2008/03/generic-c-object-copy-function.html will improve situation with updating objects in multi-tiered applicatons.

Rick Strahl
March 25, 2009

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

@Igor - it's not quite so simple unfortunately. CopyObject<T> is a good idea for some things - I have basic object copying routines in my library and I use it for this very task for multi-tier (and AJAX client) updates. But the problem are deep copies - where child objects and especially the child collections get also updated. It gets tricky...

And there's also the issue of having to use Reflection to do the update which is relatively slow.

Greg Ohlsen
April 07, 2009

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

Anybody have an example of a dynamic query using LINQ to objects?

August 03, 2009

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?

I've been poking around the MSDN forums trying to figure out some way of reusing expressions which would make up portions of the projection. I started realizing in a way though that not being able to reuse the projection seems to be the real issue with a lot of advanced Linq to SQL query questions out there. I guess what I'm looking for is a way to produce something similar to User Defined Functions but within Linq to SQL but without having to actually make a SQL UDF. See the link below for an example of what I'm getting at.


Tom McKeown
June 21, 2010

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?


I almost always agree with you on topics what do you think of my opinion on LINQ/Lambda?


August 01, 2010

# re: LINQ and dynamic Query Results?


Great post. I've been trying to sort this issue out for some time. Sad thing is that you posted this over three years ago, and things don't look any better today.

Have you found any improvements in the last three years, or are we still stuck at the same place as we were when you wrote this?

Thanks again

West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2024