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Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

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Jon Galloway had an interesting post over the weekend regarding Getting JavaScript and ASP.NET talking (outside of AJAX). The post discusses a problem Jon was having in getting server variables to be accessible in client-side JavaScript code and his solution as part of a control using the ASP.NET AJAX IScriptControl interface.

In the comments I remarked that this process seems awfully complex to do an essentially simple thing: Embed script code into a page. However,the problem addressed in the post is a real one - but one that I think can be solved with a more generic and maybe possibly easier solution.

So to reiterate, the problem at hand is: How do you effectively get server variables published into the client page and accessible from JavaScript? The reality is: It's not easy!

The easiest solution might seem to be using <%= %> expressions to embed values into script, but it's really not quite that simple because .NET values - especially strings and dates - need to be properly formatted in order to work correctly as JavaScript values. So writing out a string as:

var Company = '<%= Customer.Company %>';

is actually not good enough. For example if the string contains a single quote the code will fail. You can use double quotes but then a double quote will fail instead. Because the string is embedded into script as a literal the string also needs to be properly escaped. So quotes, slashes, and escape characters have to be marked up as well. Using a plain <%= %> tag is clearly not going to cut it. Some time ago I posted a JavaScript string encoding function that deals with strings, but this still leaves you with the ugly solution of script tags and global variables you have to declare inside script code.

There's also a problem if you need access to the variables in .js files - you can't embed script tags into a .js file so getting a dynamic value into a static file is problematic (although my workaround below would also work with <%= %> tags in the main page).

Anyway, after reading Jon's post I thought that it would be nice to have a generic tool to 'publish' server variables to the client. So I spent a couple hours last night to create a very easy to use class that does the following:

  • Adds key/value pairs to a statebag that gets rendered automatically
  • Dynamically adds any object/control property that gets rendered automatically
  • Keys are rendered as properties of an JavaScript object with the static or dynamic values applied

To use the class inside of an ASP.NET Page this code to use this class looks like this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    wwScriptVariables scriptVars = new wwScriptVariables();
    // *** Add any values static or dynamic
    scriptVars.Add("name", "West Wind Technologies");
    scriptVars.Add("entered", DateTime.Now);
    // *** A cleaner way to get ClientIDs into client code?
    scriptVars.Add("txtNameId", txtName.ClientID);
    scriptVars.Add("btnSubmitId", btnSubmit.ClientID);
    // *** Add a control's value
    scriptVars.AddDynamicValue("txtName", this.txtName, "Text");
    // *** Done

This code adds several values to the ScriptVariables object which hold on to these values and then generates a client side object with a name specified in the constructor (or the default which is 'serverVars'). The AddDynamicValue method adds a property that is essentially mapped to a property of a control or object. You can basically assign this value anywhere and still ensure that final rendered value will be embedded into the script object. This is useful so that you can keep all the assignment code in one place putting both static and dynamic values into a single method rather than scattering calls into various page event methods (although you can still do that if you choose).

The class then renders a JavaScript object into the page with each of the key values as property names. For the definition above you'd end up with a Client Script Block in the page:

<script type="text/javascript">
var serverVars = {
    "name": "West Wind Technologies",
    "entered": new Date(1202809550345),
    "counter": 12.22,
    "txtNameId": "txtName",
    "btnSubmitId": "btnSubmit",
    "txtName": ""

The script is added a ClientScriptBlock which is rendered at the top of that page, which also means it's visible embedded script files (.js files). Now from anywhere you can access these variables via the static object instance:

var name = serverVars.name;
var entered = serverVars.entered;
var counter = serverVars.counter;

And using a control Id that might from within a master page or other naming container in script:

var txtName = document.getElementById(serverVars.txtNameId);
var name = jQuery("#" + serverVars.txtNameId).css("border","solid 1px red");

which surely beats using <%= %> script tags inside of the script code.

Note that you can specify the name of the defined JavaScript variable by changing ClientObjectName or passing in the name in the constructor, so you can have multiple separate server object variables embedded into the page. This makes this work for control developers as well, as long as you can come up with a unique name for the control.

This approach can also be useful for localization. Because the code is generated on the server, you can assign values with HttpContext.GetLocalResourceObject() or HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject() to assign values or - if you're binding a control value - get the localized control value at render time.

Values that are assigned are encoded using JSON serialization to ensure they are 'literal' values that evaluate. One very cool side effect of this is that you can actually embed fairly complex objects in addition to simple types. For example, you can directly serialize an object, a DataSet/DataTable/DataRow, an array, list or enumerable type.

I'm using the JSONSerializer from the West Wind Ajax Toolkit in the control (because it supports a couple of date formatting options) but you can also use the System.Web.Extensions.JavaScriptSerializer along the same lines.

Here's my first cut at this class:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Westwind.Web.Controls.Controls
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides an easy way for server code to publish strings into client script code.
    /// This object basically provides a mechanism for adding key value pairs and embedding
    /// those values into an object that is hosted on the client.        
    /// </summary>
    public class wwScriptVariables
        /// <summary>
        /// Internally holds all script variables declared
        /// </summary>
        Dictionary<string, object> ScriptVariables = new Dictionary<string,object>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Internally tracked reference to the Page object
        /// </summary>
        Page Page = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// The name of the object generated in client script code
        /// </summary>
        public string ClientObjectName
            get { return _ClientObjectName; }
            set { _ClientObjectName = value; }
        private string _ClientObjectName = "serverVars";
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the output object script is rendered
        /// automatically as part of Page PreRenderComplete. If false
        /// you can manually call the RenderClientScript() method to
        /// retrieve the script and embed it yourself.
        /// </summary>        
        public bool AutoRenderClientScript
            get { return _AutoRenderClientScript; }
            set { _AutoRenderClientScript = value; }
        private bool _AutoRenderClientScript = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Full constructor that receives an instance of any control object
        /// and the client name of the generated script object that contains
        /// the specified properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <param name="clientObjectName"></param>
        public wwScriptVariables(Control control, string clientObjectName) 
            if (control == null)
                // Note: this will fail if called from Page Contstructor
                //       ie. wwScriptVariables scripVars = new wwScriptVariables();
                this.Page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
                this.Page = control.Page;
            if (this.Page == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Could not retrieve a Page instance in wwScriptVariables.\r\n Either provide a Control or Page reference to the wwScriptVariables constructor or intialize the class in OnInit() of the page or later.");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientObjectName))
                this.ClientObjectName = clientObjectName;
            // *** Force RenderClientScript to be called before the page renders
            this.Page.PreRenderComplete +=new EventHandler(Page_PreRenderComplete);
        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor only takes an instance of a Control. The name of the
        /// client object will be serverVars.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        public wwScriptVariables(Control control) : this(control,"serverVars")
        /// <summary>
        /// This constructor can only be called AFTER a page instance has been created.
        /// This means OnInit() or later, but not in the constructor of the page.
        /// The name of the client object will be serverVars.
        /// </summary>
        public wwScriptVariables() : this(null, "serverVars")
        private void Page_PreRenderComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
        public void Add(string variableName, object value)
            this.ScriptVariables.Add(variableName, value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the dynamic value of a control or any object's property
        /// that is picked up just before rendering. 
        /// This allows you to specify a given control or object's value to 
        /// added to the client object with the specified property value 
        /// set on the JavaScript object and have that value be picked
        /// up just before rendering. This is useful so you can do all
        /// client object declarations up front in one place regardless
        /// of where the values are actually set.
        /// Dynamic values are retrieved with Reflection so this method
        /// is necessarily slower than direct assignment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="variableName"></param>
        /// <param name="control"></param>
        /// <param name="property"></param>
        public void AddDynamicValue(string variableName, object control, string property)
            // *** Special key syntax: .varName.Property syntax to be picked up by parser
            this.ScriptVariables.Add("." + variableName + "." + property, control);            
        /// <summary>
        /// Explicitly forces the client script to be rendered into the page.
        /// This code is called automatically by the configured event handler that
        /// is hooked to Page_PreRenderComplete
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderClientScript()
            if (!this.AutoRenderClientScript || this.ScriptVariables.Count == 0)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendLine("var " + this.ClientObjectName + " = {");
            // *** We'll serialize single values into the client
            JSONSerializer ser = new JSONSerializer();
            ser.SerializeDateAsString = false// use new Date() output
            foreach(KeyValuePair<string,object> entry in this.ScriptVariables)
                if (entry.Key.StartsWith("."))
                    // *** It's a dynamic key
                    string[] tokens = entry.Key.Split(new char[1] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string varName = tokens[0];
                    string property = tokens[1];
                    object propertyValue = null;
                    if (entry.Value != null)
                        propertyValue = entry.Value.GetType().
                                    GetProperty(property, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public).
                                    GetValue(entry.Value, null);  
                    sb.AppendLine("\t\"" + varName + "\": " + ser.Serialize(propertyValue) + ",");                
                    sb.AppendLine("\t\"" + entry.Key + "\": " + ser.Serialize(entry.Value) + ",");
            // *** Strip off last comma plus CRLF
            if (sb.Length > 0)
                sb.Length -= 3;                
            if (this.Page == null)
                this.Page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
            // *** Use ClientScriptProxy from West Wind Ajax Toolkit to be MS Ajax compatible - otherwise use ClientScript
            ClientScriptProxy.Current.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, typeof(ControlResources), "_ClientScriptStrings", sb.ToString(), true);
            //this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(ControlResources), "_ClientScriptStrings", sb.ToString(), true);

The code has a couple of dependencies that are part of the West Wind Ajax Toolkit. ClientScriptProxy is used to manage client script as a front end to ScriptManager or the Page.ClientScript object depending on availability of the ScriptManager. The JSONSerializer is used here rather than JavaScriptSerializer from System.Web.Extensions because of the obvious System.Web.Extensions dependency as well as a problem with Date formatting by JavaScriptSerializer which uses encode date strings (ie."\/Date(1198874600025)\/") which doesn't actually turn into a date value. JSONSerializer can optionally output the required new Date() sytnax to produce a live date (this may be possible with JavaScriptSerializer but offhand I don't know how).

You can pick up the source code for this class along with the JSONSerializer dependency by downloading the West Wind Ajax Toolkit.

What now?

There might be a few improvements to this concept. Maybe it'd be useful to allow creating pre and post rendering script code so you can do things like scope the object and add namespaces potentially.

Another thing that keeps flicking around in my head is that damn problem with ClientIDs. It might be nice to have an optional method that can add properties for each control on the page automatically. Something like:


which would then add each control and its clientID with properties generated by ID name. I'm not quite sure just how far this could go though and whether this would just be too expensive. Maybe you could specify a container and it would only retrieve control Ids at that container level rather than digging into the container hierarchy. So if you specified Page it would only pick up top level controls.

I don't know - need to mull that one over, but the ClientID mess has been one of the uglier things to do with AJAX code and this class at least provides an option for a cleaner way to address ControlIds even if it requires an extra line of code on the server to expose it. <shrug>

[Update: I've posted an update with a few of the enhancements above as well as some from the comments below]

Posted in AJAX  ASP.NET  JavaScript  

The Voices of Reason


February 12, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

I wrote a similar solution a couple of weeks ago, which keeps a server-side dictionary synchronized with a client-side dictionary: http://www.iridescence.no/Posts/Sharing-Variables-Between-JavaScript-and-C.aspx :)

Jon Galloway
February 12, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

Looks very cool, and I like what you're doing with "those damn ClientID's"...

Maybe I'm missing it, but how does this work for a control? Your examples work for a page, but what if I'm building a control (user or server) which might be instanced several times on a page? In that case, wouldn't you just be writing copies of the script block with the same name but different values?
var serverVars = {
    "name": "West Wind Technologies",
    "entered": new Date(1202809550345),
    "counter": 12.22,
    "txtNameId": "txtName",
    "btnSubmitId": "btnSubmit",
    "txtName": ""
var serverVars = {
    "name": "Northwind Database Technologies",
    "entered": new Date(1102809550345),
    "counter": 55.55,
    "txtNameId": "txtName",
    "btnSubmitId": "btnSubmit",
    "txtName": "Freddy"

Also, while I really like the ClientID's part (especially .AddClientIds(control)), I think you'd get into nesting issues there, too. What if I've got three user controls, each with a txtName, and I call .AddClientIds() with all three controls? You'd have the client id's as returned by controls (control1.txtName.ClientID, control.txtName.ClientID, control3.txtName.ClientID), but they'd all have the same name in serverVars so you'd have no way to look them up on the client side.

Apologize if I'm missing something, I just don't see how you're handling multi-instanced controls in the code or examples.

February 12, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

Jon, I think this overload would handle that situation:

public wwScriptVariables(Control control, string clientObjectName)

You would just prefix the clientObjectName with the naming container name (or whatever you wish).

Rick Strahl
February 12, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

Jon, the name of the object var is configurable so each control can have its own name. You can pass it in the constructor or assign the ClientObjectName property. So if you have a control you can decide if you need one object per control (ie. you have a fixed name like say __MyControl) or one per instance (in which case it'll probably have to be based off ID).

As I mentioned you could probably also apply namespacing to this - that's why I mentioned the pre and post script for so that a namespace could be defined. If you're using MS Ajax you could add a RegisterNamespace directive and then use a namespace scoped name for the ClientObjectName. I haven't added that yet though.

As to the client ID - yes there are issues there that's why I haven't gone down this path just yet. This is why I think you wouldn't want to drill into containers automatically, but you'd have to pick a container and only do each of its children. You certainly wouldn't want to drill into a control like a grid or any other repeating control - that would only result in garbage.

But each container level alone will give you unique Ids. If dupes occur they would overwrite each other - a non-fatal problem though possibly confusing. The user would have to resolve this most by adding explicit property names for those name conflict properties.

I don't think there's a perfect solution to the ClientID problem, but one that comes close would still be pretty useful I think.

Rick Strahl
February 12, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

Frederik - ah that's a cool approach too. I really like the fact that you can also post values back to the server with your approach, which is slick. For the outbound end though I like the object approach better - it's just easier to use an instance than having to write to a dictionary. Even writing would also work this way since expando properties would automatically created for any updates.

Great idea!

February 12, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

This is why I like JQuery selectors, I've been selecting by class instead of by ID

John McGuinness
February 13, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

This is a very innovative approach to the server/client marriage. When ever I've used '<%= txtName.ClientID %>' with in a javascript block I always felt dirty afterward wondering to myself "there must be a better way". This has opened my eyes as to what a better way can be.

Tim Giorgi
February 13, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

Well done Rick,

You've tackled a problem I've been wanting to go after for some time. Nice and elegant solution. I especially like the object encapsulation - keeps it very clean without a ton of naming references all over the place.

Grant Palin
February 14, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

I like. I have been wrestling with much this same issue in a ASP.NET web app I'm working on. To send server side variables to client-side JavaScript, I would use a stringbuilder to manually build up the necessary JS, and write it out tot he page. Very messy.

But this generic solution is a godsend - I have had similar ideas but hadn't gotten around to implementing them. The ClientID aspect (giving that to the JS) is a good idea, and one I had not considered.

My project's in VB.NET, so I'll have to write code from scratch...Hopefully I can get a start on that this weekend.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Rick Strahl
February 14, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

@Steve - yes, definitely. Adding a CSS class with the same name as the control and then using CSS selectors is a good way to force client selection.

For those not familiar with this you can do the following (assuming your page has control naming issues due to naming containers such as MasterPages):

<asp:TextBox runat="server" id="txtName" CssClass="inputControl txtName" />

and you can then search with jQuery:

jQuery(".txtName").val("New Value");

Note that the CSS class doesn't have to actually exist.

February 29, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

The problem with that is that looking up classes by javascript is a LOT slower than by ID, as the Browser maintains a hashtable of IDs on the page.

Andy Bantly
March 10, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

I am very new to ASP.NET. A few years ago I used to be a veteran of javascript and HTML but my development skills in that area have been dormant. Recently I took up ASP.NET to help my wife build a website. I was faced with this problem, of communicating server information to the client, and I honestly didn't even know at first that I could use <%=...> nomenclature. Your post actually solved my problem in that regard. Now, as I am a C++ programmer, I can appreciate your class for the merits of being wrapped up and tidy, as a problem solver my question for you is this: "Seeing that your problem was scoped by data that could have quotes or other beasties in it, I wonder why you didn't make more use Base64 encoding and decoding to pass data?

Rick Strahl
March 10, 2008

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

@Andy - And how would you decode Base64 in JavaScript? Besides being inefficient there's no native support for it. The above is all native in JavaScript. JavaScript type encoding is easy enough to do on the server side and automatic on the client side.

# Interesting 'control' for passing ASP.NET variables into client-side Javascript

Anyone using ASP.NET and Javascript combo should consider this to prevent code injection attacks... ...

August 23, 2009

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

I have this error for using Page.ClientScript

The type or namespace name 'ControlResources' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

Rick Strahl
August 23, 2009

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

@Mostafa - the post here is posted for reference. There are a few dependencies in there on related components.

You can download all the components as part of the West Wind Web Toolkit here:

The latest version of this code can be found in the Subversion repository along with the dependencies:


The relevant code is the in the Westwind.Web project.

August 25, 2009

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

Hi Rick,

I have another issue which will be great if you helped me with , and i am really appreciating that.

i am trying to deal with textbox which are inside TemplateField in GridView.

so i am using some thing like to get ClientID:
protected void SaveNamesForJS()
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("HDtxtDateValidTO", FormView1.FindControl("txtDateValidTO") != null ? FormView1.FindControl("txtDateValidTO").ClientID : "");

which i call after closing tag of gridview:

then i can deal with these textbox from javascript using this hidden field.

i tried to use your class but the textbox wasn't rendered so i couldn't get its clientid.

do u have any suggestion for this ??

James of Baltimore
October 01, 2009

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

Rick, you rock - It took me a while to get my arms around this - I was getting an error on the Page variable, which isn't used by MVC, but I was able to set around that code by adding an if statement
            public ScriptVariables(Control control, string clientObjectName)
                if ( HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler.ToString() != "System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler")

                    if (control == null)
                        // Note: this will fail if called from Page Contstructor
                        //       ie. wwScriptVariables scripVars = new wwScriptVariables();
                        this.Page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
                        this.Page = control.Page;

                    if (this.Page == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not retrieve a Page instance in ScriptVariables.\r\n Either provide a Control or Page reference to the wwScriptVariables constructor or intialize the class in OnInit() of the page or later.");

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientObjectName))
                        this.ClientObjectName = clientObjectName;

                    // Force RenderClientScript to be called before the page renders
                    this.Page.PreRenderComplete += new EventHandler(Page_PreRenderComplete);
                // we have to user the West Wind parser since dates new new Date() formatting
                this.JsonSerializer = new JSONSerializer(SupportedJsonParserTypes.WestWindJsonSerializer);
                this.JsonSerializer.DateSerializationMode = JsonDateEncodingModes.NewDateExpression;

I also added an additional initializer:
       public ScriptVariables(string scriptName)
                : this(null, scriptName)

in my controller, I call your code by passing my model thusly:
            ScriptVariables scriptVars = new ScriptVariables("model");        
            scriptVars.Add("Course", model);
            ViewData["clientScript"] = scriptVars.GetClientScript(true);

Thanks LOADS - if you ever get to Baltimore, I owe you a pint of lager!

Rick Strahl
October 01, 2009

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

@James - thanks for the feedback. I had tried this in MVC before and it worked just fine - there should still be a Page object in MVC so you should be able to pass the Page as the 'control' parameter. But the ClientScript object won't do anything. Of course if you use a non-Web Forms based view engine then you run into problems either way because then there truly isn't a Page object.

I think the better solution to this though is this code:

        public ScriptVariables(Control control, string clientObjectName)
            if (control == null)
                // Note: this will fail if called from Page Contstructor
                //       ie. wwScriptVariables scripVars = new wwScriptVariables();
                this.Page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
                this.Page = control.Page;

            if (this.Page != null)
                // Force RenderClientScript to be called before the page renders
                this.Page.PreRenderComplete += new EventHandler(Page_PreRenderComplete);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientObjectName))
                this.ClientObjectName = clientObjectName;

            // we have to use the West Wind parser since dates use new Date() formatting as embedded JSON 'date string'
            this.JsonSerializer = new JSONSerializer(SupportedJsonParserTypes.WestWindJsonSerializer);
            this.JsonSerializer.DateSerializationMode = JsonDateEncodingModes.NewDateExpression;

So it tries to grab the Page and if available hooks up the event. If no page is around then the event is never hooked up and requests should just work.

Even with this though there are a still a few dependencies on Page for ancillary functionality like updating values which checks for IsPostBack and then uses the Request object. I suppose that too could be made generic using the Context object though with a little effort.

I've updated the code to remove all Page references (using HttpContext.Request refs instead) except for the RenderClientScript method which only fires when the page is actually available.

Thanks for the nudge - nice improvement actually! Now everything including client value persistence should work in MVC (although you'd have to add jQuery.js and ww.jquery.js manually to the page).

Artur Blazkiewicz
April 13, 2010

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

I posted lately an article at "http://www.codeproject.com/KB/webforms/JsUserControl.aspx?msg=3437510#xx3437510xx". It is about including javascript into
sections of a master page from child controls as a user control. This method has several advantages. Your comments will be appreciated. Thanks.

April 23, 2010

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

this is cool maan!! thanks a lot !!!

January 13, 2012

# re: Embedding ASP.NET Server Variables in Client JavaScript

How can I get this to work inside an update panel.

I have a dynamic update panel.
I have implemented this solution but when the page loads the var serverVars object is not created on the page.

How can I get this to work inside a dynamic update panel?

West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2025